About Me

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East Dulwich, London, United Kingdom
To me the glass is always at least half full. This was not always the case but over the past few years I have started to learn just how brilliant the human mind and body are. In September 2011 at the age of 34 and after 4 months of extensive medical invasion and severe abdominal pain, I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Cervical Cancer. I have too much on my to do list to be thwarted by such a cowardly disease, so I am using positive thinking and all my mental and physical toughness to win, as I really don't like losing. During the long and painful diagnosis phase, many friends said that they didn't know how I could be so calm and strong. To be honest, looking back neither do I, but I am starting this blog to capture my feats of positivity whilst I beat this pesky disease.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

With friends like these...

Unfortunately, despite sleeping tablets and allegedly strong pain killers, I did not sleep so well last night.  I woke with a pain at 1.15am and could not get back to sleep.  A warm bath, a new hotwater bottle and two chapters of Tony Blair's autobiography and I managed to doze off a little but I was still not refreshed by the time Mr Man left for work in the morning. A couple more strong pain killers later, and another hot water bottle on the spare bed, which always seems more comfortable than it should given it is the spare bed, and I managed a few more hours kip. I was therefore in danger of spending the whole day languishing inside in a pattern of dozing, hot water bottles and co-codamol. Until I received a series of texts from G. The first one said "Fancy a walk to the park? Beautiful day." I rudely ignored her as it was more effort than I could muster to reply.  A few hours later another text arrived inviting me to join her in the park for a picnic lunch.  By now I was able to respond but had to confess to being rubbish and promised to try and drag myself up a little later.  The reply the duly came in "Rubbish?!! You're anything but rubbish!! Will call round about 12.30 and see how you are doing xx" And so I got out of bed.
G is my oldest friend.  We met nearly thrity years ago, on 13 January 1982 in Mrs Thompson's reception class at North Heath Lane Infants School, Horsham. We've been to the same schools (North Heath Lane, Chesworth, Millais and Collyers VI form college), the same university (Nottingham - the real one obviously), and also ended up going to the same place (Valencia) for half of our year abroad in Spain. G then went to Argentina for the second half for some culture and I continued to drink cubatos and sun bathe for the remainder of the year.  She now happens to live two streets away in East Dulwich, and I have long since given up trying to work out who is following who.

Rather fortunately for me G is currently on maternity leave and so is conveniently able to hang out with me during the week during my current predicament. We have started our tour of the cafes of East Dulwich and G has been brilliant at stepping in for Mr Man on the odd occasion that he has been unavailable for medical appointments. In short, I think without her my experience of the past few weeks would have been much tougher. I have had lots of lovely messages from many, many friends over the past week or so, and every single one has meant a great deal in terms of my motivation and positivity, but given the shaky start I had this morning, todays postive thought can only be this; I am very lucky to have such great friends, and especially today, to have G to check up on me and make me go outside to enjoy the sunshine. And she also makes great cup cakes.  Thanks Bud xx

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