About Me

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East Dulwich, London, United Kingdom
To me the glass is always at least half full. This was not always the case but over the past few years I have started to learn just how brilliant the human mind and body are. In September 2011 at the age of 34 and after 4 months of extensive medical invasion and severe abdominal pain, I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Cervical Cancer. I have too much on my to do list to be thwarted by such a cowardly disease, so I am using positive thinking and all my mental and physical toughness to win, as I really don't like losing. During the long and painful diagnosis phase, many friends said that they didn't know how I could be so calm and strong. To be honest, looking back neither do I, but I am starting this blog to capture my feats of positivity whilst I beat this pesky disease.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Time flies when you're having fun...

Well, they say time flies flIes when you're having fun, but I can assure you that spending day after day dozing in a hospital bed, being prodded and poked by a range of medical experts each of whom believe that they have the most suitable experience for my pain.  They don't. It has now been 2 whole weeks since I came into  London Bridge Hospital. I have had 3 ct scans, 4 x rays, 2 ultrasound scans, numerous proddings and pokings, several litre bags of liquid infusions ranging from saline liquid to full dinner in a plastic bag. I have also I also have been injected with a variety  of pain relief drugs, benefitted from the soothing and effects  of these and then the consequences of them wearing off. Not nice.  

On Friday night however I had a super night's sleep. This was following possibly the worst 48 hours of my life in pain which included vomiting, nausea, tummy ache, back ache, chronic cramps and reflux. If you've ever experienced just one of these symptoms them you'll be in a position to begin to comprehend quite how hideous I felt. Preceding this good night's kip however I had managed to convince the medical team that I needed to be fed intravenously as well as watered. Plus, I started the second wave of chemo. This second type of chemo was slightly different to the first and was designed to mop up the last few bits which are believed to be pressing against various internal organs within the peritoneum, hence the pain. So, Saturday morning was spent in a pleasant doze and a feeling of contentment, and Saturday afternoon was spent shuffling along side the river with Mr Man and G to get some fresh air. Since then, I've been dozing, watching crap tv and catching up with my correspondence. Talking is still a challenge as I have a very dry mouth but other than that if I can keep some water and a little sponge by my bed, can be managed.  

So reading this back it may sound very dour however this is certainly not the case.  Now the pain side of things appears to be more closely managed and I know the names of the various drugs I need at each time, I am in a much better position to ask the nursing staff for what I need which is a great step forward rather than them having to check the notes and call the elusive doctor. (I swear he is like the wizard of oz and doesn't actually exist to the naked eye!!) and this is what takes the time to prepare and administer.  So by knowing and pre-empting the needs I can at least stave off the repeated worsening of the pain which takes even longer to get back under control.  

Another very very positive factor of this past few incarcerated days is thee number of lovely people I have had come to visit. I apologise if I have missed anyone off but this week has seen Mr Man of course, Mum and Dad, Bobby Dazzla, Lil' sis and bil, KP, S, Buddy G, Em, former housemate and past partner in crime Kt along with her daughter Miss Molly who I have to say was the most impeccably behaved 2 year old I have EVER come across, let alone in a hospital, the old Goat and Essex Girl.  And between them I have been laden with gifts of a practical nature, including beautiful flowers, pyjamas, clean pants, lip balm hand cream as the number of times I have washed my hands in here has really impacted on my hands and nails.

So overall, how am I feeling? Well pretty good actually. I am getting proteins and nutrients intravenously which by passes the eating/vomiting issues. I managed to walk outside with a little external help. But only with assistance and i had to have a couple of break through pain boosters but not enough to be concerned  about.  The view from the window is still inspiring looking over the river towards the London stock exchange' and I have a short list of people coming in the next week as well, including KT the over glamourous pilot, KP again, the old Goat, Mr Bud S amongst others. Plus the medical profession have now decided to start me on the next chemo, which should get things moving A LOT quicker. And already I'm feeling stronger so thank you for your generous contribution. Verity - your cakes are legendary looking so I hope it won't be long before I get to taste one for real!

1 comment:

  1. I will make a full batch just for you with whatever decoration you fancy! xx
